Despite our best efforts to present accurate information on our website, you might find something that needs to be updated. We want to hear from you! Below are contact information and our policies on social media and privacy.
College Houses and Academic Services makes web resources available to residents of the College House community and may provide listings of and/or links to web pages maintained by faculty, students, staff, student organizations, non-University organizations, and others. The College House and Academic Services web space may also contain web pages that have been created by its departments, or other administrative offices, as well as web pages generated by groups or individuals.
College Houses and Academic Services and our House administrative offices strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of our web pages. If you have a question or concern regarding any of these web pages, please use this form to contact us directly.
Any personal, individual, or group web pages are not endorsed, edited, or approved by College Houses and Academic Services. The content and the items accessible from the pages are the sole responsibility of their creators and do not represent positions, policies, or opinions of the University of Pennsylvania. If you have any questions about a particular page or document, please contact the site’s author directly.
Several College Houses and Academic Services web pages may contain links to web pages created by sources outside the University. The existence of these links does not suggest that the University approves or endorses the content of these web pages.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the College Houses and Academic Services web pages, please use this form to send us a message.
College Houses and Academic Services Customer Use Policy
College Houses and Academic Services shares information, images, and video with the public through blogs on its website and through external websites including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Comments by the public made to these accounts are reviewed and, while they will not be edited by College Houses and Academic Services or its staff, may be deleted or may remain unapproved for publication if found to be in violation of this comment policy.
Comments should be limited to comments related to the posted topic. College Houses and Academic Services’ social media accounts are not the proper place to express opinions or beliefs not directly related to that topic.
The use of vulgar, offensive, threatening, or harassing language is prohibited.
Personal attacks of any kind or offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, national, color, age, or religious group, creed, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, disability status, or any other legally protected class status are prohibited.
College Houses and Academic Services' social media accounts are not open to comments promoting or opposing any person campaigning for election to a political office, or promotion or advertisement of a business or commercial transaction.
Comments advocating illegal activity or violating copyrights or trademarks are prohibited.
You participate in College Houses and Academic Services' social media accounts at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your user name, and any information provided. Please do not post personal information such as phone numbers and addresses.
Comments expressed on College Houses and Academic Services' social media accounts do not reflect the opinions and position of the University of Pennsylvania or its officers and employees.
You are subject to the Terms of Service (TOS) of the host site. Information (photos, videos, etc.) you share with or post to official College Houses and Academic Services accounts is also subject to the TOS of the host site and may be used by the owners of the host site for their own purposes. For more information, consult the host website’s TOS.
This comment policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time.
User-Created Content
Users are welcome to submit or post content, including photographs and videos, to a College Houses and Academic Services social media space where College Houses and Academic Services allows users to post content, provided that the content meets the standards articulated in this Customer Use Policy, and the content pertains to the subject of the social media site. Users may only post their own, original content. Reproduced or borrowed content that reasonably appears to violate third party rights will be deleted.
Questions or Concerns
Questions or concerns regarding College Houses and Academic Services' social media accounts and this comment policy should be directed to Christopher Bogs, Marketing Coordinator, at
Privacy Policy
College Houses and Academic Services follows the guidelines in the University of Pennsylvania’s Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy for this website may be found here.